Directory Opus - 29th November 2013
- The data returned by the dopusrt /info paths
command now includes information on which side of a dual Lister
each tab was found (side="1" for left, side="2" for right,
and side="0" for a single display Lister).
- The Go TABCLOSE command can now close a tab by window
handle (which can be obtained using the above mentioned /info
command). For example, Go 0x80834 TABCLOSE
- If a file or folder has been copied to the clipboard, you can now paste
this into the location field (or any field in Opus that supports path
completion) to paste the item's path into the field.
- Added a new option - Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced:
show_release_history - which allows you to prevent the release
history from appearing the first time you use a new version.
Bug fixes
- The Set COLUMNSSET command now allows the name column to
be positioned in a location other than the first column.
- Selecting the Open With context menu command on a file in a
library would result in an unnecessary temporary copy of the file being made.
- Increased ImageShack maximum upload size to 5MB.
- File displays showing the root of a library (e.g.
lib://Documents) did not update to show ghosted icons when
files/folders were cut to the clipboard.
- Fixed a problem that would cause the file display to not resort correctly
after a GetSizes command (or automatic folder size
calculation) had finished, if the calculation was completed within 250ms.
- Fixed things like portable hard drives from showing up incorrectly in the
MTP namespace (and in drive buttons) in Windows 8.1
- Fixed right-click dragging files on to zip archives, then clicking outside
of the menu, being treated as Copy rather than Cancel.
- Fixed missing context menu icons from WebRoot antivirus, and possibly
other shell extensions which supply icons in a similar (slightly invalid)
- Windows 8.1 broke the replacement of certain Windows-key hotkeys, fixed.
- Fixed recent change which meant thumbnails did not rotate in the Lister if
you changed their EXIF rotation tag in the metadata panel, when the metadata
panel was configured to preserve existing file dates.
- Fix for crash when generating thumbnails for GIF images with unusual
- Slightly improved image scaling quality in some places.
- Implemented a solution to desktop double-click being broken by
DisplayFusion (also requires the latest DF beta).
- Fixed problem with "dopusrt /info paths" failing if any open tabs
contained a virtual folder like My Computer
- Fixed problem with space for close button being left behind in folder tabs
when closing dual-horizontal file display
- When switching into list mode an autosize of the column width is now
triggered to compensate for any bold labeled files (the same thing was already
done in details mode).
- Fixed inline rename oddity where pressing Shift+Home
would leave the caret selection at the end of the selection range rather than
the beginning.
- Fixed the SmartFavorites list showing the same path more than once.
- Fixed the SmartFavorites list showing multiple entries for virtual folders
like Desktop.
- SmartFavorites now ignores MTP and FTP paths, as well as virtual folders
which would not be suitable for creating a shortcut.
- Fixed SmartFavorites not checking existence of library and collection
paths at startup when configured to.
- Fixed "Save As" from the viewer not working (potentially even crashing)
for images on MTP devices.
- You can now use the Go command's
EXISTINGLISTER argument with other arguments which generate a
list of drives or folders, e.g. Go DRIVEBUTTONS
- Fixed tab lock (if set) being inherited from the default Lister when a new
window opens for a double-clicked folder and Opus is configured to just open a
tab for the folder without the default Lister's other tab(s).
- Fixed file display becoming unusable if a locked folder tab showed a
directory which was then deleted.
- Fixed bug that stopped dimensions being shown for images in thumbnails
mode if their thumbnails came from the cache.