
The Find internal command can be used to:


Command Arguments:



Possible values


(no argument)



Display the Find Panel. It will open in whichever mode you last used it.

Example: Find



(no value)

Display the Find Panel in Advanced mode.

Example: Find ADVANCED



(no value)

Search inside archive files (when the Find Files function is being automated).

Example: Find *.doc IN C:\Data ARCHIVES



(no value)

Clear previous results (when the Find Files function is being automated). The output file collection will be cleared before the new Find begins.

Example: Find *.doc IN C:\Data CLEAR




Do not clear previous results.

Example: Find *.doc in C:\Data CLEAR=no



<collection name>

Specify the name of the file collection that results are added to. If not supplied the default collections (Find Results and Duplicate Files) are used.

Example: Find *.doc in C:\Data COLLNAME Output



(no value)

Launch the Windows Search for Computers function (depending on your version of Windows, this may have no effect).

Example: Find COMPUTERS



<search text>

Specify text to search for (when the Find Files function is being automated).

Example: Find *.txt CONTAINING printf IN C:\SourceCode



(no value)

When automating the Duplicate File Finder, activates "delete mode" - once duplicates have been identified, the second and subsequent of each duplicate group will be automatically selected, ready for deletion.

Example: Find IN C:\Data DUPES DELMODE



(no value)

Automates the Duplicate File Finder.

Example: Find IN C:\Data DUPES



(no value)

Indicates that the value of the NAME argument is the name of a pre-defined filter. This lets you automate more complex searches than just those based on filename and containing text.

Example: Find NAME image_files IN C:\Pictures FILTER



(no value)

Automates a search using the Google Desktop Search engine (if installed). The NAME argument provides the search string. If Find Files is not being automated, displays the find panel in Google Desktop Search mode.

Example: Find "sales results" GOOGLE



<search location> ...

Specify the folder or folders to search in when automating a search. Remember that if the paths contain a space you must enclose the value in quotes.

Example: Find *.txt IN "C:\Folder 1" "C:\Folder 2"




Disable the loading of previous find settings when the Find panel opens. By default, the Find panel will remember its previous settings when it opens unless it has been invoked via an automated search (i.e with both IN and NAME arguments specified). Use this argument to prevent the command ever remembering its previous settings.

Example: Find LOADPREV=no




Force the Find panel to load its previous settings even when opened by an automated search. This does not restore multiple search paths, however - LOADPREV=all must be specified for that.

Example: Find *.txt IN "C:\Folder 1" LOADPREV=yes




Forces the Find panel to remember its previous settings, and also restores all paths that were previously listed in the search list.

Example: Find LOADPREV=all



(no value)

Search for duplicates using the MD5 checksum (used with the DUPES argument). The default behaviour is to search based on filename and size.

Example: Find IN C:\Data DUPES MD5




Specify the filename or wildcard pattern to search for. To automate the Find Files function you must specify both the NAME argument, and the location to search using the IN argument.

You can also search using a pre-defined filter by providing the filter name for the NAME argument and also specifying the FILTER switch.

When performing a Google Desktop Search, the NAME argument provides the search string.

This is the default value for the Find command - you do not need to use the NAME keyword.

Example: Find *.(doc|txt|bmp) IN C:\ RECURSE ARCHIVES



(no value)

Search for duplicates based on filename only (used with the DUPES argument). The default behaviour is to search based on filename and size.

Example: Find IN C:\Data DUPES NAMEONLY



(no value)

Normally when both the NAME and IN arguments are provided, the Find Files operation begins automatically. To prevent this, specify the NOAUTORUN argument as well.

Example:Find *.doc IN /mydocuments RECURSE NOAUTORUN



<file to match> ...

Specifies one or more files to search for duplicates of. If you don't use this argument, all duplicate files in the specified locations will be found. Remember that if the file path you are providing contains spaces, you must enclose the value in quotes.

Example: Find DUPES OF C:\Report.txt IN C:\Backups MD5



<query string>

Performs a search in the specified location using the Windows Search system.

Example: Find QUERY "author:davidson" IN C:\Documents COLLNAME "Leo's Docs"



(no value)

When automating the Find Files and Duplicate File Finder functions, the search will extend into sub-folders below the specified locations.

Example: Find IN C:\Data DUPES RECURSE




Prevent the search from extending into sub-folders.

Example: Find IN C:\Data DUPES RECURSE=no



(no value)

When you are currently viewing the results of a Windows Search query, this command will save the search as a stored query collection.

Example: Find SAVEQUERY




Display the results of the automated search in the current source file display or Lister.

Example: Find *.txt IN C:\ RECURSE SHOWRESULTS=source




Display the results in the destination file display.

Example: Find *.jpg IN C:\Data SHOWRESULTS=dest




Display the results in a new tab. You can combine this with the source or dest arguments.

Example: Find IN C:\Data DUPES RECURSE SHOWRESULTS dest,tab



(no value)

Display the Find Panel in simple mode.

Example: Find SIMPLE