Photoshop (PSD) CMYK, RGBA, 32-bpp/96-bpp and indexed images
Targa (TGA) alpha channel, 16-bit images and indexed images
TIFF alpha channel images
iTunes AAC (M4A and M4P) tags and cover-art. (Note: For music purchased from iTunes Music Store, the "Encoded by" column shows the name of the purchaser.)
Ogg Vorbis and FLAC cover-art (in addition to existing tag support).
Speex (SPX) tags.
Monkey’s Audio (APE) tags.
The Image Converter can now reset EXIF rotation tags in JPEG files. There is also a new NOLOSSLESS argument for the Image CONVERT command.
Advanced Preferences option for JPEG color profiles.
Advanced Preferences option to force interpretation of four-channel TIFF images as RGBA when they do not explicitly flag the fourth channel as alpha.