The DOpusRT tool can be used from outside of Opus to retrieve information about the currently displayed folders and files.
This functionality is accessed using the dopusrt.exe /info command - following /info you must supply a filename for the output to be saved to, an information command, and the appropriate arguments for that information command. The basic template is:
/info <output
The data returned by the command will be saved to the specified file in XML format. You can omit the output filename if you do not care about the results. See below for examples of various commands.
Command |
Arguments |
Description |
list |
[<tab>] |
Returns a list of items displayed in the specified tab.
listsel |
[<tab>] |
Returns a list of selected items displayed in the specified tab.
<tab>,<id>[,<id>,...] |
Opens one or more items in the specified tab.
paths |
(no arguments) |
Return a list of paths currently displayed in all tabs in all Listers.
<tab>,<id>[,<id>,...] |
Selects one or more items in the specified tab.