Advanced Rename
The Advanced Rename dialog lets you perform complicated batch renaming
operations. You can use wildcards or regular expressions, find and replace,
modify capitalization, number or renumber files, rename using file metadata and
even write complicated rename scripts using this dialog.
To access the Advanced Rename function, select the files you wish to rename
and click the Rename button on the toolbar.
The options that affect the rename operation are:
- Type specifies the type of the
rename operation - it determines how the strings entered in the Old
name and New name fields are interpreted. The
options available
- Standard
Rename: enter a new name literally or rename using a simple
wildcard system
- Find And
Replace: specify a text string to search for and another to replace
it with (this works just like search and replace in a text editor)
- Regular
Expressions: enter a new name literally or rename using a regular
expressions search and replace
- Old name specifies the old name of the file. When
renaming using wildcards or Regular Expressions, this field is used
to specify the "from" or "search" pattern. When using Find And
Replace mode this field specifies the find string.
- New name specifies the new name of the file, or the
"to" or "replace" pattern when using wildcards or regular expressions. When
using Find And Replace mode this field specifies the replacement
- Automatically rename if new filename exists causes Opus
to automatically append an incrementing number to the new filename if the new
name is already in use.
- Case sensitive is used to specify case sensitive pattern
matching or Find And Replace.
- Enable file information fields needs to be turned on if
you want to use file metadata as part of the rename operation. For example,
you can rename MP3 files using the artist / title information from the file
itself. See Renaming
with Metadata.
- Include file extension is only used in Find And
Replace mode, to specify that the find and replace should involve
the file extension as well as the name of the file.
- Rename files in selected sub-folders lets you make the
rename operation operate recursively on files in selected folders rather than
renaming the folders themselves.
- Rename matching filenames as one causes Opus to treat
multiple files with the same base filename (excluding file extension) as if
they were the one file for the purpose of renumbering, wildcard or other batch
renames. For example, if you had files called 01012.JPG and 01012.WAV, they
would be given the same number as part of a renumber rename instead of being
numbered sequentially.
- Script mode opens the built-in Rename Script editor, which lets you write
scripts in VBScript, JScript, etc. to completely control the rename process.
- Modify capitalization lets you automatically modify the
capitalization of filenames.
- Sequential numbering lets you add an incrementing
number to existing files (or replace the filename entirely with a number). See
Numbering Files.
The Simple button can be used to switch to the Simple Rename dialog
(which in turn has an Advanced button that lets you come back
to this dialog). The Preview button lets you open and close a
preview display that updates in real-time to let you instantly preview the
outcome of the rename operation.
The Presets section of the dialog lets you store and manage
rename presets: predefined rename operations that can be invoked repeatedly
without having to configure the parameters of the rename each time. In the above
image, Number Files is a rename preset that comes supplied with
Directory Opus as an example. To load a preset, simply select it from the list
and the rename options will be updated immediately with the settings from the
To save a preset, click the Add button:

You will be prompted for a name for the new preset. Note that the
current values that have been specified for the rename operation will be
stored in the preset at this point, so you must configure the rename before
saving the preset. You use the Add button to update an existing preset as
well, by saving over the top of the old one.
You can also import and export rename presets using the options in the
File menu - great for sharing your rename scripts with friends!
See the Rename Scripting section on the Opus Resource Centre for
example rename scripts you can download and use.