Creating Folders

There are two ways to create a new folder using Opus. The first way is the same as in Explorer - right-click on the background of the file display (or on a folder in the tree) and choose New / Folder.

The second way is to use the Create Folder dialog, which as well as letting you make a new folder also offers some additional functionality:


      Create Folder.png 


To create a folder using this method, click the New Folder button on the toolbar and enter the name of the folder to create. You can create a whole tree of sub-folders at once by entering the folder names separated by slashes. For example:
Create Sub Folders.png 
This would create a folder called One in the current location, then a sub-folder in One called Two, a sub-folder in Two called Three, and so on, all in the one operation.


The other options this dialog provides are:


The two numbers displayed in the bottom-left corner of the dialog (as shown above) indicate the length of the name you have entered and the total length of the path once the folder is created. This can be useful to ensure that your path length doesn't grow beyond the normal maximum of 259 characters - although Opus has no problems dealing with longer paths than that, many other programs (including Explorer) will fail.