Folder Tree Changes
- Folders in the root of the tree can now be spaced
The new Preferences / Folder Tree /
Appearance / Separate items at the root level option causes
padding to be added to root folder tree items.

This can make the tree easier
to use by physically separating the disparate root items and reducing visual
- Favorite folders in the tree are now displayed at the
In Opus 10, if you enabled the display of
Favorites, Aliases, the Recent List or
Smart Favorites in the tree, they were displayed at the bottom
of the tree grouped under a common

10 Opus
In Opus 11 these branches are now displayed at the
top of the tree, in their own root items. This (combined with the root item
padding) makes these items much more useful - it's much easier to find the
favorite folder you're looking for without all the extra visual clutter
surrounding it.
- The folder tree now remembers which root branches are
Opus will now remember which root-level branches of
the tree are expanded and restore the tree state on the next use. The state is
remembered in Layouts as well as for the Default Lister.