Preferences Changes
- The Preferences dialog is now resizable
Preferences dialog can now be resized like most other Opus dialogs.
- Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Files and folders -
Matched Text
This option lets you configure the colors that
are used to highlight text matches in filenames when using the
Find-as-you-Type field (and the File Displays / Find-As-You-Type /
Highlight matches option is turned on).
- Preferences / Display / Colors and Fonts / Jobs
This lets you configure the font used for the Jobs
- Preferences / Display / Fields
The new
Default width option lets you configure a default width for
every field. This is especially useful in configuring the default width of the
new Thumbnail column.
- Preferences / Display / Status Bar
Status Bar page has been redesigned to reflect the new dual
status bar options.
- Use two independent status bars when in dual display
In Opus 10 a dual-display Lister only had one status
bar that was shared between the two file displays. When this option is
turned on, a dual-display Lister will have two separate status
- Keep status bars at the bottom of the Lister
default status bars are attached to the file display - if you turn this
option back on they revert to the Opus 10 behavior where the status bar was
attached to the bottom of the Lister window. The Glass
background option is only available if this option is turned
- Separate definitions for...
The meaning of this
option changes depending on the state of the Use two independent
status bars option. With two independent status bars enabled, the
Separate definitions option lets you configure a separate
definition for the left/top and right/bottom file displays. With two
independent status bars disabled, the Separate definitions
option lets you configure a separate definition for the status bar when it
is in a single-display Lister and a dual-display Lister.

The text field that you use to
configure the status bar definition has been enhanced to provide syntax
coloring of status bar codes, and the preview below lets you easily see which
part of the status bar you're currently editing.
- Preferences / File Display Modes / Details and
Power Mode
The Details and
Power Mode pages both have options relating to the new
Thumbnail column. Hide icons when thumbnail column is
visible causes the file icons to be hidden automatically whenever the
Thumbnail column is added to the file display. Thumbnail
column aspect ratio lets you control the aspect ratio used to
calculate the height of each row when the Thumbnail column is present
- the row height will be calculated based on the width of the column and the
specified aspect ratio. The Show thumbnail borders option
lets you control whether thumbnails in the Thumbnail column are
displayed with borders, and to set the color used to fill the interior of the
- Preferences / File Display Modes / Power Mode
This page is new, although the options on it are
not. These options relate to the configurable mouse buttons in Power
mode and have been split off from the Power Mode page to
their own page.
- Preferences / File Display Modes /
This page lets you configure a
toolbar or toolbar set that will be turned on automatically whenever a file
display is set to the specified display mode. By default Opus uses
this to show the Images toolbar whenever the file display is in
Thumbnails mode. In a dual-display Lister, the toolbar for a
particular mode will be displayed when either file display is in that mode -
if you want the toolbar to be shown only when the source file display is
in that mode, turn off the In a dual-display Lister, activate toolbar
when either file display is in that mode
- Preferences / File Displays / Border
This page has
been updated to control the new file display toolbar options.
- Display as a toolbar enables the use of a toolbar in
the File Display Border, and the drop-down lets you select which
toolbar is used for this purpose (by default the toolbar is called File
- If the Click on destination's toolbar only changes
state option is turned on, clicking on a toolbar button in the
destination file display will set that file display to source but not
trigger the actual button you clicked on.
- Display as a static header reverts the file display
border to the previous status header from Opus 10 (disabling the use of a
- Align other Lister element headers with the file display
border is a cosmetic option most useful when a file display toolbar
is enabled. Because a toolbar is usually slightly higher than the static
header, this option causes other Lister elements that are "inline" with the
file display borders (like the Folder Tree's header) to be resized to match
the height of the toolbar.
- Display icon lets you enable or disable the display of
the Opus icon in each file display border (the icon was fixed on in Opus
10). The icon lets you create a shortcut to the current folder by
drag-and-drop but you may wish to turn it off to save space.
- Enable horizontal/vertical layout button lets you
enable or disable the display of the buttons that toggle dual file displays
between horizontal and vertical layout. In Opus 10 these buttons were always
displayed, but in Opus 11 the default Menu toolbar has buttons that
perform these functions so it is superfluous to show them in the file
display border as well.
- Preferences / File Displays /
There are several new
options relating to the FAYT field in Find mode (i.e. the
normal mode when you type into the file display to jump to a file or folder by
- Highlight matches turns on the highlighting of text
within filenames that matches the entered string.
- Minimize scroll to make item visible changes the way
the file list is scrolled when jumping to files that are currently out of
view. The normal behavior is to scroll the list as little as possible, which
often results in the matching file being positioned at the bottom of the
window. If this option is turned off then the list will be scrolled (if
possible) far enough that the matching file is positioned in the middle of
the window.
- Search anywhere in the filename enables
partial matching when searching filenames. When turned off the
entered text must match the beginning of the filename; when turned on, the
entered text can match anywhere within the filename (although priority is
still given to filenames that match at the beginning).
- Preferences / File Displays / Mouse
This page is
new, although most of the options on it have been moved from the File
Displays / Options page. The really new options are:
- Allow file selection when clicking to switch source/destination
state is similar in nature to the Allow file selection when
clicking to activate Lister option. If turned on, and you
click on a file in the destination file display, the file display will be
set to source and the file will be selected. If this option is turned off
then although the file display would still be set to source, the file
selection in that file display would be unchanged.
- The Single middle-click runs Middle double-click File Type event
option makes Opus treat a single middle-click on a file or folder
as if it were a double middle-click. For example, if you turn this
option on and configure the Middle double-click File Type event for
a folder to open it in a new tab (Go NEWTAB), you can make
Opus emulate the behavior of web browsers where middle-clicking a link opens
it in a new tab.
- Preferences / File Operations / Progress
This page contains new options relating to the jobs
- Display the jobs bar automatically when starting a new
If this option is turned on, the jobs bar will appear at
the bottom of the Lister whenever a file operation commences. If this is
turned off you can show the jobs bar manually using the Set
JOBSBAR command.
- Prevent progress indicators from showing on the
If the jobs bar is shown automatically, you can
elect to remove progress indicator dialogs from the taskbar. This means that
their footprints won't be added to the task bar and they won't appear in the
Alt+Tab window list.
- Minimize progress indicators
If you turn this
on, progress indicator dialogs will be minimized when they are opened. If
the jobs bar is not used, they will still be visible on the taskbar. Use the
Only when the jobs bar is visible option to only minimize them
when the jobs bar is turned on.
- Resize Lister to display the jobs bar
If this is
turned on, the Lister will be resized vertically, if possible, to display
the jobs bar, and its size will be restored when the jobs bar
- Same size buttons on the jobs bar
If this option
is turned on all buttons on the jobs bar will have the same size. You
can optionally configure a fixed size in pixels. Turn this off to have
jobs bar buttons automatically sized based on their
- Preferences / Folder Tree / Appearance / Separate items at the
root level
This option causes root-level items in the Folder
Tree (e.g. Desktop, FTP, Favorites, etc) to be
separated by blank space, for a less-cluttered visual effect.
- Preferences / Folders / Auto-Loading
The options
on this page were previously found on the Folder
Behaviour page.
- Preferences / Folders / Folder Behaviour / Skip junctions and
This option affects the Calculate folder
sizes automatically feature. If turned on, folder sizes will not be
calculated for junctions or soft-links to folders.
- Preferences / Folders / Folder Display / Show
If this option is turned on
then the date and time columns in the file display will show the
milliseconds value of file and folder timestamps as well as the
- Preferences / Folders / Global Filters
Most of the
options on this page were previously shown on the Folder
Display page. The only new option on this page is Ignore
prefix when sorting. This is similar to the Ignore
prefix option in the Folder Format editor - it lets you
configure one or more filename prefixes that Opus ignores when sorting
filenames alphabetically. This option takes effect globally in all file
displays and also in folder trees. Multiple prefixes should be separated with
a vertical bar character. For example, The |A |An would
ignore those three prefixes.
- Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced:
Photoshop PSD files can have up to three
embedded images - a small (164x164) thumbnail with very lossy
compression, a full-size, flattened preview image, and the full
layered image data in Photoshop's internal format (never used).
default, the small thumbnail image is used for thumbnails and the full-size
preview image is used for the viewer. The setting allows you to override this
so that either image is used for both thumbnails and the viewer. If you want
to have thumbnails larger than 164x164, you can tell Opus to use the preview
image for thumbnails, otherwise the source image data is not large enough.
However, some PSD files do not have valid preview images, so you may instead
wish to tell Opus to never use them, even in the viewer. (Whether or not a PSD
contains a flat preview image depends on how it was saved from Photoshop. In
some cases, where there is no preview image there will be a black and white
placeholder with text, written by Photoshop, telling you there is no preview
image. Unfortunately, some versions of Photoshop write a corrupt placeholder
image in some cases. If your workflow results in PSD files with missing or
corrupt preview images, you can tell Opus to always use the thumbnails instead
so you can at least get a rough idea of each file using the viewer.)
- Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced:
By default Listers no longer have visible resize
grips, for improved cosmetics, especially in dual-horizontal with inline
status bars. Grips can be turned back on using this option if you so
- Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced:
This lets you adjust the type of
output that is shown in the Script Output log (Utility Panel
/ Other Logs).
- Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced:
This lets you specify one or more
characters that will be used as "word break" characters in edit fields when
editing filenames (e.g. in inline rename). Word break characters affect where
the cursor stops when you press the Ctrl+Left or
Ctrl+Right keys. A space is always treated as a word
- Preferences / Miscellaneous / Advanced:
This lets you configure additional word
break characters in edit fields when editing paths (e.g. in the Breadcrumbs
path field). The standard path delimiters
(:/\) are always treated as
a word break.
- Preferences / Toolbars / Scripts
page shows a list of any add-in scripts that have been
installed. You can use the checkbox to enable or disable each

If you select a script in the
list it reveals more information about it (a description, copyright
information, and a list of the commands and events that the scripts
implements). The About and Configure buttons
will be active if the script supports those actions. Clicking the Edit
button will open the script in your default text editor.
can easily install new scripts by dropping them onto the Scripts
list. You can also create a new script using the Create New
Script command in the File menu of the Preferences
- Preferences / Toolbars / Toolbar Sets
This page
displays a list of any toolbar sets you have

Each set displays the toolbars
it contains. You can rename sets and assign custom descriptions using the
toolbar icons. For each set you can also use the Behavior
drop-down to assign a default behavior - when the set is loaded in a Lister
the default behavior will be used unless overridden on the command line. The
behaviors you can choose from are:
- Add toolbars to existing toolbars - any toolbars in the
set that aren't already turned on are turned on when the set is loaded.
Existing toolbars are unaffected.
- Replace existing toolbars - all currently open toolbars
are closed and replaced with the toolbars in the set.
- Toggle existing toolbars - if all the toolbars in the
set are turned on, they are removed and replaced with the toolbars from the
default set. Otherwise, any toolbars in the set that aren't currently on are
turned on. This option lets you quickly toggle between the default set and
another toolbar set.
To add a new toolbar set, click the
New button (
). The
following dialog will

create the set, enter a name for it, and then click on the
icon and drag it out of the dialog
and over the Lister whose current toolbars you want to save into the set.