Toolbars & Hotkeys Improvements
- Toolbars are now local to each Lister
In Opus 10
and earlier, toolbars were controlled globally - if you turned on a toolbar in
one Lister, it turned on in all Listers. It was possible using the internal
Toolbar command to override this and open a toolbar locally
in a single Lister, but this was awkward and clumsy - and it wasn't possible
to do the reverse of closing a global toolbar in a single Lister.
Opus 11, toolbars are now local to each Lister by default. When you turn on a
toolbar in a Lister it only turns on in that Lister - other Listers are
unaffected. The toolbars that a Lister displays by default are stored in what
is known as the Default Toolbar Set - this is used whenever a Lister
doesn't have its own set of toolbars defined in the Layout it came from. Use
the Settings / Toolbars / Set As Default Toolbar Set command
to update your default toolbar set.
- You can save multiple toolbars as a Toolbar
You can define Toolbar Sets which contain one or
more individual

These sets can be turned on or off in
the same way individual toolbars can be. When you switch from one set to
another Opus works out which toolbars (if any) are common between the sets and
leaves those unaffected.
- Toolbars can be stored in Lister Layouts and Lister
When saving a Lister Layout the current toolbars open
in each Lister are also saved, and when the layout is loaded there is now the
option to use the toolbars saved within the layout instead of the default
toolbar set. Additionally, when creating a Lister Style you can now configure
it to turn on a specified toolbar or toolbar set.
- Folder Formats can automatically turn on a toolbar (or a toolbar
The Folder Formats system now lets you specify a
toolbar or toolbar set that is to be turned on whenever that format is in

For example, you can
configure Opus to automatically turn on a toolbar whenever you navigate to a
certain folder, or to a folder containing predominantly a certain type of
file. When you navigate away from that folder the toolbar or set is
automatically turned off again.
- View Modes can automatically turn on a
Similarly, you can configure a toolbar or set that
will be automatically turned on whenever the file display is set to the
specified view

By default Opus 11 uses this
to show the Images toolbar whenever the file display is set to
thumbnails mode.
- Floating toolbars are independent of Lister
In Opus 10 and earlier, if a toolbar was open in a
Lister it could not be floated, and vice versa. In Opus 11, floating toolbars
are completely independent of Lister toolbars - you can have the same toolbar
open in a Lister and floating on the desktop. You can also float the same
toolbar multiple times if

For example, you could put the
same floating toolbar on each monitor in a multiple monitor system. Each
instance of the floating toolbar will remember its position and orientation.
Because each instance can be configured separately several options relating to
toolbar appearance have been moved from the Customize dialog to
a new menu that is accessed from the toolbar

In Customize
mode the edit button will appear at the top-right of the toolbar
when you move the mouse over it. Click the button to display the menu that
lets you change things like frame type and whether hotkeys are enabled for the
floating toolbar (they are disabled by default for floating toolbars in Opus
- Toolbar hotkeys can be active even when the toolbar is
The Customize / Toolbars page now has
an option for each toolbar to always enable its hotkeys in Listers. If this
option is turned on a toolbar's hotkeys will always be active in Listers
whether the toolbar itself is turned on or not. In a new install this option
is enabled by default for the Menu and Operations toolbars
(so that, for example, pressing Ctrl+A will always select all
files, even if the default Menu toolbar has been turned
- Hotkeys can now specify multiple independent keys or multi-key
Toolbar buttons and hotkeys could previously only
specify a single key sequence to launch the function. In Opus 11 you can
define multiple independent keys that run the same function (e.g.
Alt-D and F4 can now both activate the
location field, the same as

can also define multi-key sequences (e.g. you could define a hotkey that uses
Ctrl-F1, 1 as a multi-key sequence, meaning you would need to
push Ctrl-F1 followed by the 1 key to launch
the function).
- Context Menus can be configured in the same way as
You can now configure things like the background
image or color, image and label state and font size and style for context

The Context Menus
tab in the Customize dialog now has the same set of controls as
the Toolbars tab letting you make these changes in the same way as
for toolbars.
- Toolbar buttons can change their icon
You can now configure toolbar buttons that change
their icon dynamically based on a Set command clause, with
the new @icon command

For example, the default
View Mode Cycle button now changes its icon to reflect the
current view mode.
- Drop-down buttons can optionally hide their drop
There is now the option to hide the drop arrow on
drop-down buttons. A single click on the button will run the button function
as normal. To display the drop-down menu when the arrow is hidden, you can
either click-and-hold (for about half a second) on the button, or click it
with the right mouse button.
- More control over the checked/highlighted state of
The @toggle directive has been
expanded to allow the checked state of a button to be dependent on one or more
Set command clauses.
- New Label button type
The new
Label button type is similar to a Spacer in
that it pads out the toolbar (by a fixed amount or right-justified), but it
can display a text label instead of empty

The default Images toolbar
uses one to label the Rotate buttons.