
DOpus 11 Box Small.png


Welcome to Directory Opus, the file manager for Windows!


Directory Opus is designed with four goals in mind:


There's no denying that Opus is a complex product. From its roots on the Amiga computer in 1989, through two platforms and eleven major revisions, the program has grown as we have taken on board thousands of suggestions from our users. As you start to explore Opus you may feel daunted by the sheer number of options available - please don't be! Don't look on Opus as something that has to be learned, but as a tool that you can exploit.

We class Opus as "productivity software" and some people question this description, but really if you think about it - for anyone who uses their computer a significant amount, a large proportion of that time is spent in mundane tasks like moving files around, making folders, renaming files, cleaning out directories, etc. Using Opus you can significantly streamline your day-to-day tasks - and less time spent on the mundane means more time to be productive!


As you start to explore Opus here are a few tips to help you get around:


Thanks for using Directory Opus! We hope you enjoy using it as much as we enjoy writing it!