12.5 27th April, 2017
- File and folder labels can now be set as "pin to top". Any file with a
label assigned to it that specifies pin to top will sort at the top of the
file list, irrespective of the overall sort order. There's a new default
Status category label (Pinned), although you note you'll need to reset the
Preferences / Favorites and Recent / Labels page to defaults
to see this in an existing configuration.
- The GIF plugin now fully supports the Expand/Scroll mouse button option in
the viewer, including quick rendering and animation support.
- The Change Attributes & Times dialog now lets the
time and date fields for Creation and Last Modified
time be individually turned off (so that you can, for example, change
the dates of selected files without affecting their times).
- Added support for the "non-content indexed" file attribute (the
SetAttr command and metadata panel now let it be set or
cleared, advanced Find lets you search for files with it set,
and the file display displays it in the Attr column as
- The {thumbnail} infotip code can now specify a different
size to the regular thumbnail size, by adding an additional :
parameter (following the parameter for the border type, which must also be
included). E.g. {thumbnail:0:512} for 512 pixel thumbnails
with no border.
- In the Rename dialog, the options to copy and paste the
list of names to/from the clipboard have been moved into a menu-button above
the preview list. The menu also contains three new options: Prefix, Append and
Reset. Prefix and Append let you add the clipboard content to the start or end
of the existing names instead of replacing the names. If one line is in the
clipboard, it will be added to every name. If multiple lines are in the
clipboard, one will be added to each name, and blank lines can be used to skip
names. (If the number of files is larger than the number of lines, the
clipboard content will loop around). Finally, the Reset option clears any new
names set via the same menu or via manually typing over individual names. As
before, this functionality is only available when macro-building mode is
turned off, via the adjacent checkbox.
- Added @ifrunning command modifier (and
SysInfo.FindProcess script method).
- Added Show in Label column option for labels, which lets
you prevent their name being shown in the Label column in a Lister.
- Added script dialog rclick event for listbox and listview
items. The Msg object also has new mousex
and mousey properties that give the mouse location (in screen
coordinates) when the message was generated.
- It's now possible to define a hotkey that overrides the
Escape key in the standalone viewer.
- The Label Assignments list in Preferences now uses the
configured file display background color.
- Context menu items in the registry as "static verbs" now work correctly
from the file display background context menu (e.g. Git for Windows).
- Fixed problem in List mode where the filename of a newly created folder
could be displayed in the wrong location until the file display was repainted.
- Fixed Text viewer's "assume UTF-8" checkbox becoming stuck if turned on.
- Fix for drag & drop from TortoiseSVN repo browser creating zero byte
- The Info Tip font is now configurable through Preferences.
- The {dlgsave} code now allows the "save as type" field to
be populated, e.g. {dlgsave|Title|Default Name.txt|type=Text
Files!*.txt!Doc Files!*.doc}. Add # following the
type= string to automatically include the "All files"
- The rename dialog new name field now allows {scp:...} to
be typed, to allow script column values to be used in the rename operation
(previously the colon would be blocked).
- The viewer was failing to indicate if the first image it opened with was
marked unless the "Display Marked Pictures pane when a picture is marked"
option was turned on.
- Fixed a fairly obscure problem which could cause inline rename to be
cancelled automatically when middle-clicking on a file in power mode with an
OnActivateLister script installed that automatically sets the
active lister to be source.
- File tooltips triggered by holding down the control key are now clipped to
the file display to prevent them appearing off-screen if the display is
scrolled too far horizontally.
- Fixed a problem with inline rename where the file extension could
incorrectly be displayed (if it was hidden) when moving from one filename to
the next using the cursor keys.
- Fixed drag image/tooltip going behind submenus when dragging to toolbar in
customize mode.
- When clearing a collection using dopusrt.exe /col clear,
sub-collections are no longer removed (previously they would be removed from
the list, but not from disk, which meant they would come back after a
restart). You can now use /col clear /full <name> to
remove all contents including sub-collections.
- The "Pin current folder to Quick Access" context menu command (when
right-clicking on the root of the Quick Access folder in the tree) now works
- Rename macro builder now uses Consolas 9pt as its default font on Vista
and above.
- Fixed filenames not lining up in the Rename macro editor with some fonts.
- After using "paste new names" in the Rename dialog, the preview's New Name
column now auto-sizes.
- Fixed incorrect preview, and sometimes crash, in Rename dialog when using
"Show preview of sub-folder contents" and a large number of parent folders.
- Fixed problem with the rename macro builder that could lead to an
erase/insert/erase macro being incorrectly collapsed to erase/insert
- The image viewer's optional picture frame now scales with DPI.
- The Labels list in Preferences is now displayed using the configured file
display background color instead of the system "window" color.
- Added a confirmation prompt when the dialog editor is cancelled if the
dialog has been modified.
- The @noprogress modifier works from scripts now.
- If all folder aliases were displayed in the folder tree (instead of just
user-defined ones), the user-defined ones didn't work.
- Fixed problems with archives not appearing in the tree underneath
libraries in some cases.
- Using the Set COLUMNS command to set only one column
(e.g. Set COLUMNS=35mmfocallength) would cause a crash in
some cases.
- The Set COLUMNS and similar commands misidentified the
35mmfocallength column as the companyname
- The Quick Access branch of the tree now displays the properly localized
names of its member folders.
- Fixed a problem which could cause a crash if a function modified image
files in a Lister and then changed folder.
- Fix for toolbar layout issues on high DPI systems after multiple soft
restarts have occurred (e.g. after changing Preferences settings that require
the program restarts itself).
- Label lists in Preferences / Folder Options now use the
configured file text color as well as background color.
- On the Label Assignments page in Preferences, it was
possible to open multiple label filter dialogs simultaneously, which could
cause a crash when the dialogs were closed.
- The Change Attributes dialog now resizes to make sure the
list of attributes is completely visible.
- Fixed problem where a label filter that used Type Match Folders
could misidentify some archives as folders when in a library.
- Fixed a problem with labels not working properly on folders in the tree if
they have localized filenames.
- Fixed problem with PDF metadata not decoding some strings correctly.
- If a toolbar button was highlighted with the mouse and then the mouse
moved over an adjacent spacer, the button would remain highlighted.
- Fixed problem with progress dialog ending up the wrong size if it was
minimized with the copy queue visible and all but the last item finished
(removing the queue) while still minimized.
- Info tips will now display strings enclosed in angle brackets (e.g.
<blah>) unless they're a supported html-style tag.
- Fix for double-clicking images if the Windows Photos app was set as the
default image viewer, after the Windows 10 Creators Update.
- Fixed problem with metadata pane not setting exif tags in some
- Set JOBSBAR command was missing from the manual.
- It's now possible to make a link to a drive root, e.g. Copy
MAKELINK=softlink E:\
- Fixed problem introduced in 12.4 where you could not use AltGr+' --
actually AltGr + (the key bottom-left of Return, depending on keymap) -- to
type special characters in some locales, as it was interpreted as the Ctrl+'
which now copies the name from the file above.
- Scripting:
- In the OnOpenLister script event, it's now possible for
the event to fire after a Lister has finished opening (including opening all
its tabs) as well as before. If the new
OpenListerData.after property is False,
you should return True from the event handler. The event
will then be called again with OpenListerData.after set to
True once all the tabs are open.
- The ImageMeta.latitude and longitude
properties now return decimal coordinates. The coords
property now returns a string containing latitude,longitude as
decimal coordinates.
- Added Command.filecount and linecount
- For combo edit controls in script dialogs,
Control.value.name now returns the string entered by the
user if they typed something in rather than picking from the dropdown list.
The editable text can be set using Control.label.
- In scripts, a Dialog object can now be used as the
parent window for things that need one. E.g. a dialog can have another
dialog as its parent.
- The new Dialog.disable_window property lets a dialog
automatically disable a window while it's visible, and re-enable it again
once the dialog closes.
- Save dialogs shown via the Dialog.Save method now
support a fourth argument to populate the "save as type" dropdown.
- Fixed a problem with "multicol" script columns incorrectly being called
for non-multicol columns.
- The script method Control.GetItemByLabel was
incorrectly documented as GetItemByName. Both versions work
- The script Blob.ToArray and ToVBArray
methods now take optional "from" and "size" parameters, similar to