Context Menus

The Context Menus page is very similar to the Toolbars page. It lets you configure various context menus (right-button menus). The menus that can be configured through this page are:


For the most part the six folder context menu types will be the same, but they do let you add functions that are only relevant to one particular type of folder (e.g. the FTP folder context menu has commands for site properties and sending a raw command which don't make sense anywhere other than on an FTP site).


Functions launched from the Lister Column Header can discover which column was right-clicked on using the %headeritem% environment variable.


Customize - Menus.png 


To make changes to a menu, click it's checkbox in the list to reveal it. The menu will be displayed in a popup window - kind of like a floating toolbar - and it's this window where you can edit the buttons on the menu. Once you have finished editing the menu you can click the close button in the popup window's title, or click the checkbox again (or just close the Customize dialog). You can display more than one of the menus at once while editing, if for example you want to drag and drop buttons from one to the other.


On the right-hand side of the dialog page are the same Background and Images & Labels settings that are found on the Toolbars tab. Select a menu from the list to make changes to these settings.


You can reset the context menus to their default settings using the command in the File menu.