The following is a summary of the changes to the internal command set.
COMMANDAPPEND: This argument has been removed (the old toolbar Command field has been removed).
COMMANDSET: This argument has been removed (the old toolbar Command field has been removed).
The CLI command lets you use noselect: to set the text in the field and begin typing at the end of it, instead of typing over the top of it. For example, you could bind a hotkey to CLI QUICKGO=noselect:C:\ and then push it and start typing the name of a folder below C:\.
AUTOSELECT: Lets you override the Preferences / File Operations / Copy Options / Automatically select newly copied files option.
IGNOREEXT: Makes the function ignore file extensions when copying with a wildcard rename (e.g. so a button can work on both files and folders using the same wildcard pattern).
WHENEXISTS: The replacenewer keyword has been renamed to keepnewer to make it more obvious what it does.
GOOGLE: This argument has been removed (Google Desktop Search is no longer supported).
MD5: This argument now lets you specify a percentage of the file's checksum to calculate, e.g. MD5=50 for 50% accuracy. You can also enable the checksum cache, e.g. MD5=cache,25.
DRIVEBUTTONS: Use the keywords iconletterson and iconlettersoff to control whether drive letters are displayed in the icons for each drive.
FOLDERCONTENT: Now supports non-filesystem folders. For example, in Windows 10 you can use Go /quickaccess FOLDERCONTENT to show the Quick Access folder in a pop-out menu
TABCLOSEALL: Added the dest keyword, which lets you close tabs in the destination file display in a dual-display Lister.
TABCOLOR: Lets you change the color of the current tab (e.g. Go TABCOLOR #ff8000 or Go TABCOLOR 255,127,0). Use Go TABCOLOR reset to reset the tab color.
TABGROUPLIST: This argument now works in conjunction with the USEQUALKEYS and KEYARGS arguments.
TABLINK: The slave keyword has been renamed to navlock. The new reset keyword lets you reset the sync position when the current tab is linked in navlock mode with another.
NOUSEIMAGEDATA: When used with the CONVERT argument (in the standalone image viewer), overrides the @useimagedata command modifier and makes the image converter load the image from disk rather than obtaining it from the viewer.
PAGE: The keywords viewer and slideshow have been renamed viewer1 and viewer2 (the old ones still work for compatibility). Additional page keywords are viewer3 and assignedlabels.
FORMAT: When used with the Print FOLDER command,this argument accepts the following special keywords, as well as the name of a favorite format:
!factory: Reset to factory defaults.
!user: Reset to the user default (in Opus 11 this was !custom, which still works for compatibility).
!default: Resets to Folder Type format applicable to current folder.
!folder: Resets to the format for the folder that a brand new window would use.
!current: Uses the current format shown in the Lister.
ADDLABEL: In conjunction with the SETLABEL argument, this lets you add one or more labels without clearing any existing ones. If the optional keyword ctrl is specified, the labels will only be added if the Control key is held down (otherwise they will replace existing labels as normal).
LABELCATEGORY: When used on a command that generates a list of labels (e.g. Properties SETLABEL or Properties SETLABEL !menu) this argument lets you filter the generated list by category. It accepts one or more comma-separated wildcard strings which let you match the name of categories to include. The specified categories will also be used when resetting labels using the Properties SETLABEL !reset command - if LABELCATEGORY is used as well, only labels in the specified categories will be cleared. You can match uncategorized labels using the pattern ~* (which means "not anything").
SETLABEL: This argument now accepts multiple values, to assign more
than one label to a file or folder. Label names must be comma-separated.
Commas and back-slashes in label names must be escaped with a back-slash.
There's also a new Properties SETLABEL=!submenu2 mode which
puts uncategorized labels in an Uncategorized category.
used without an argument, to generate a dynamic list of labels, it
now groups labels by their categories, while still producing a flat list.
Similarly, SETLABEL=!menu does the same inside a sub-menu.
You can use SETLABEL=!nogroup or
SETLABEL=!menu,!nogroup to intermix the categories as before,
if you wish.
SETLABELTOGGLE: This argument now accepts the optional keyword shift, which makes it only take effect if the Shift key is held down.
SETWALLPAPER: This argument now supports multi-monitor "Span" mode on Windows 8 and above (e.g. Properties SETWALLPAPER=span).
The Properties SETLABEL command supports embedded commands when it's used to generate dynamic buttons.
FILEINFO: This argument has been removed (file information is now generated automatically when needed).
IGNOREEXT: Lets you control the Rename dialog’s Ignore extension option when automating the Rename command.
MACRO: Lets you specify a rename macro operation string when automating the Rename command (e.g. Rename MACRO R0-6/L0+Final).
NOFILEINFO: Disable automatic file information inserts.
PRESET: With the !list keyword (which generates a list of your rename presets), the additional keywords favesonly (only displays presets marked as favorites), nofaves (only displays presets not marked as favorites) and nogroup (does not group favorite and non-favorite presets separately) can also be used (e.g. Rename PRESET=!list,favesonly).
SCRIPTARG: Used to pass the value of custom fields to a rename script (see the section on rename scripting for more information).
SHOWPREVIEW: This argument has been removed (the rename preview is now always displayed).
DESTTOSOURCE: This argument now accepts the notin keyword which lets you select all files in the source file display that aren’t in the destination. This argument now accepts the in keyword which lets you select all files in the source that are in the destination.
DESELECTOTHERTYPE: When used with the TYPE argument to restrict a selection to either files or folders (or with the ALLFILES and ALLDIRS arguments), DESELECTOTHERTYPE causes all items of the other type to be deselected.
DESELECTNOMATCH: This argument now works when selecting with a filter (i.e. when using the FILTER argument)
SOURCETODEST: This argument now accepts the notin keyword which lets you select all files in the destination file display that aren’t in the source. This argument now accepts the in keyword which lets you select all files in the destination that are in the source.
COLUMNSADD: When specifying the size for fields added with this
argument, you can now use a for Auto, f for Fill,
e for Expand and c for Collapse. For example, to
add the picture width field with its width set to auto, you might use
Set COLUMNSADD picwidth(*,a).
You can also specify the maximum
width with an additional parameter; e.g. to add the picture width field
with its width set to auto and maximum width set to fill, you might use Set
COLUMNSADD picwidth(*,a,f).
Set COLUMNSADD is also
capable of changing the auto-size and max-size properties of existing columns
without changing their positions. For example, Set
COLUMNSADD=name(!,a,0) will set the Name column to auto-size with no
maximum width.
Set COLUMNSADD and similar now allow
column positions to be specified relative to existing columns. For example, to
add the Status Icons column after the Name column: Set
COLUMNSADD=Status(1+Name). "0+Name" is the position of the Name
column. "1+Name" the next position. "1-Name" the previous position.
COMBINESINGLEGROUPS: Lets you control the state of the When grouped, combine groups with only one member into the “Other” group option for the current file display.
FORMAT: This argument accepts the following special keywords, as well as the name of a favorite format:
!factory: Reset to factory defaults.
!user: Reset to the user default (in Opus 11 this was !custom, which still works for compatibility).
!default: Resets to Folder Type format applicable to current folder.
!folder: Resets to the format for the folder that a brand new window would use.
GLOBALHIDEFILENAME: The supplied pattern can be prefixed with regex: to specify the pattern is a regular expression.
GLOBALHIDEFOLDERS: The supplied pattern can be prefixed with regex: to specify the pattern is a regular expression.
GRIDLINESH: Control the display of horizontal grid lines in the current file display (this argument used to be called GRIDLINES).
GRIDLINESV: Control the display of vertical grid lines in the current file display.
GROUPCOLLAPSE: Controls the Collapsed option for grouping in the current file display.
HIDEFILTERFILENAME: The supplied pattern can be prefixed with regex: to specify the pattern is a regular expression.
HIDEFILTERFOLDERS: The supplied pattern can be prefixed with regex: to specify the pattern is a regular expression.
ICONMODESORTHEADER: Control the visibility of column headers in the icon modes (large icons, thumbnails, list, etc).
LISTERTITLE: The title string can now use %G to display the target of the current folder if it's a junction or soft-link.
MANUALSORTRESET: Reset the current manual sort arrangement in the file display and revert to automatic sorting.
MANUALSORT: Enable or disable manual sorting in the current file display.
MANUALSORTSAVE: Save the current manual sort arrangement (if the folder type supports saving the manual sort order).
RECYCLEBINEMPTY: Only used with the @ifset and @icon modifiers, tests if the recycle bin is empty.
SAVEFORMAT: Save the folder format for the current folder without having to go through the Folder Options dialog.
SCRIPTDISABLE: Toggle the global "disable all script add-ins" option on or off.
SHOWEVERYTHING: Toggle the Show Everything mode on or off in the current file display.
SHOWFILTERFILENAME: The supplied pattern can be prefixed with regex: to specify the pattern is a regular expression.
SHOWFILTERFOLDERS: The supplied pattern can be prefixed with regex: to specify the pattern is a regular expression.
UTILITY: Accepts the new keywords expand and noexpand. Functions which toggle the utility panel will now, by default, expand it when turning the panel on, if it was saved in a collapsed state. You can add the noexpand keyword to prevent this, e.g. Set UTILITY=find,toggle,noexpand would open a collapsed Find panel if that was how it was last saved. You can also explicitly specify expand if you would like expansion to take priority over closing a panel if the panel is currently in a shrunken state, e.g. Set UTILITY=find,toggle,expand (you'd probably want to add focus as well). When neither expand nor noexpand is explicitly specified, the default is to expand when showing the panel (including when changing which panel is displayed) and to not expand when hiding the panel.
CREATED: Now accepts the keywords modified, taken, digitized and parent to copy the date from another field or the parent folder.
MODIFIED: Now accepts the keywords created, taken, digitized and parent to copy the date from another field or the parent folder.
VIEWERCMD: This argument is only used within the standalone viewer. Keywords are:
alpha: Toggle the Hide Alpha Channel option on and off.
close: Close the viewer.
copy: Copy the current selection to the clipboard.
copyto: Copy the currently viewed file to another folder.
crop: Crop the image to the current selection.
cut: Cut the currently viewed file to the clipboard.
delete: Delete the currently viewed file.
first: Move to the first file in the list.
flip: Flip the current image (use either flip,horiz or flip,vert).
fullscreen: Toggle full-screen mode on and off.
gamma: Adjust the gamma of the image display (use gamma,+<val> or gamma,-<val> for relative adjustments, gamma,<val> for an absolute positive value, gamma,0-<val> for an absolute negative value, and gamma,reset to reset the gamma to the default).
goto: Go to a specified image in the list (use goto,<index> where <index> is the 0-based offset of the file from the beginning of the list).
help: Display help on the viewer.
hex: Toggle the display in and out of hex mode.
info: Toggle the Show Information overlay on and off.
last: Move to the last file in the list.
mark: Control image marking. This keyword has many different uses:
mark: (no sub-keyword) Toggle mark state of current image.
mark,toggle: Toggle mark state of current image.
mark,on: Mark the current image.
mark,off: Unmark the current image.
mark,view: Toggle the marked panel on and off.
mark,browse: Browse marked pictures.
mark,clear: Clear all marks.
mark,exchange: Exchange the current image for the previously marked image.
mark,first: Jump to the first marked image.
mark,last: Jump to the last marked image.
mark,prev: Jump to the previously marked image.
mark,next: Jump to the next marked image.
mark,return: Return from a jump to the image you were previously viewing.
The nohighlight keyword can also be added, which stops a toolbar button from displaying as highlighted when the condition in it is true (e.g. Set VIEWERCMD=mark,toggle,nohighlight).
meta: Toggle the meta pane on and off, and control its width.
on: Turn the meta pane on.
off: Turn the meta pane off.
toggle: Toggle the meta pane state.
grow: Grow the viewer window to accommodate the meta pane if possible.
<width>: Specify the width of the meta pane (in pixels).
nofocus: Does not give focus to the meta pane when it opens.
minwidth: Save the width of the current viewer window as the new minimum width.
moveto: Move the currently viewed file to a new folder.
next: Move to the next file in the list.
nextlist: Generate a list of the next files in the list.
notfullscreen: Button will only be visible when the viewer is not in full-screen mode (combine with other keywords, e.g. Show VIEWERCMD=delete,notfullscreen).
onlyfullscreen: Button will only be visible when the viewer is in full-screen mode (combine with other keywords, e.g. Show VIEWERCMD=close,onlyfullscreen).
open: Open a new file. Can be optionally given a filename to open (e.g. Show VIEWERCMD="open,c:\my pictures\image.jpg")
pluginabout: Display the about dialog for the current viewer plugin.
plugincfg: Display the configuration dialog for the current viewer plugin.
plugincmd: Trigger a command provided by the current viewer plugin (given as an 0-based index).
plugincmds: Generate a list of commands provided by the current viewer plugin.
prev: Move to the previous file in the list.
prevlist: Generate a list of the previous files in the list.
print: Print the currently viewed file.
refresh: Refresh (reload) the currently displayed file.
reselect: Reselect the previous selection.
restore: Undo the previous crop operation.
rotate: Rotate the current image (use rotate,+<val> or rotate,-<val> for relative rotations, rotate,<val> for an absolute rotation and rotate,reset to reset the rotation).
save: Save changes you have made to the current image. Add the quiet option to replace the existing file silently (e.g. Show VIEWERCMD save,quiet)
saveas: Save the current image as a new file. Can be optionally given a filename to save (e.g. Show VIEWERCMD="saveas,c:\my pictures\image.jpg")
selectall: Select the entire image.
selectfile: Selects the viewer's current file in the folder tab it came from.
scroll: Scroll the currently displayed image. You must specify either horiz or vert to indicate the dimension you want to scroll, and then another keyword (comma-separated) to indicate how far to scroll.
horiz: Scroll horizontally.
vert: Scroll vertically.
up: Scroll up or left.
down: Scroll down or right.
pageup: Scroll up (or left) a page.
pagedown: Scroll down (or right) a page.
top: Scroll to the top (or far left).
bottom: Scroll to the bottom (or far right).
shortcutbar: Toggle the display of the shortcut bar on and off.
slideshow: Toggle slideshow mode on and off.
statusbar: Toggle the display of the status bar on and off.
toolbar: Toggle display of the toolbar on and off.
wallpaper: Set the current image as your desktop wallpaper (use the keywords center, tile, stretch, fit and fill to specify the wallpaper mode, e.g. Show VIEWERCMD=wallpaper,fit).
zoom: Adjust the zoom level of the current image:
zoom,+: Zoom in.
zoom,-: Zoom out.
zoom,+<val>: Zoom in a specified amount.
zoom,-<val>: Zoom out a specified amount.
zoom,<val>: Set zoom to the specified level.
zoom,fit: Set zoom mode to “fit to page”.
zoom,grow: Set zoom mode to “grow to page”.
zoom,tile: Set zoom mode to “tile”.
zoom,reset: Reset the zoom
The Show command supports embedded commands, which let you open the viewer and run a command in the context of the viewer from the one button. For example, to show the selected file and automatically turn on the metadata pane in the viewer, you might use a command like:
[Show VIEWERCMD=meta]
The @if directive can test the state of various Show VIEWERCMD options when used within the viewer. For example, the following function would toggle between 100% zoom and Grow To Page modes:
@if:Show VIEWERCMD=zoom,reset
Show VIEWERCMD=zoom,grow
Show VIEWERCMD=zoom,reset
Added {dpi} control code so you can use DPI-sensitive values with simple commands. This can be useful if you have buttons which specify column or window sizes and you want consistent results from the same button in different DPIs.
{dpi} on its own will report the current DPI. 96 at standard DPI, 192 at 200% DPI, and so on.
{dpi|%} will report the current DPI scale factor. 100 at standard DPI, 200 at 200% DPI, and so on.
{dpi|<number>} will convert a standard 96 DPI pixel width to the current DPI. For example, if you are at 200% DPI, {dpi|25} will output 50.
{dpi|/<number>} will convert from the current DPI back to standard 96 DPI pixels. For example, if you are at 200% DPI, {dpi|/50} will output 25.
Example use in a command: Set LISTERSIZE {dpi|640},{dpi|480}
The new @if directive allows commands other than Set to be tested, e.g. @if:Show VIEWERCMD=zoom,fit tests whether the zoom mode is set to “fit to page” in the current viewer.
@if, @ifset and @icon directives can now test if the recycle bin is empty, with the RECYCLEBINEMPTY argument (e.g. @ifset:RECYCLEBINEMPTY). Toolbar buttons that use @icon with RECYCLEBINEMPTY refresh automatically when the recycle bin state changes.
The new @hidenosel modifier works like @disablenosel, except the button is hidden instead of disabled if no files are selected.
Both @hidenosel and @disablenosel can now check for specific file types being selected; for example, @disablenosel:type=*.jpg would disable the button unless at least one .jpg file was selected. Standard pattern matching is supported. You can also test for files (e.g. @hidenosel:files) or folders (e.g. @hidenosel:dirs.,type=*_tmp).
Added sep= as a modifier for the {allfilepath} etc. codes, allowing you to change the separator character from the default space. E.g. {allfilepath$|sep=,} would product a comma-separated list of filepaths.
Date and time codes, when renaming files or running commands, can now specify the "system invariant locale" instead of local language settings. This locale is similar to North American and gives the same results on all machines and in all languages. For example, running {date|Idd-MMM} {time|Ihh:mm tt} on June 23rd at 10:52 PM will always output "23-Jun 10:52 PM", always using English month names and AM/PM strings.