You may have noticed in the section on Script dialogs that scripts can now have “resources” associated with them. This is XML-formatted data that provides resources to the script but doesn’t actually form part of the script code.
When you use the command editor to design your script, the resources are split out onto a separate tab to make it easier to work with. But in a Script Add-in, or when using the CLI in script mode, script resources are included at the end of the script code itself. A separator line marks the boundary between script code and resources, like this:
If BlahBlah Then
BlahBlah Blah
End If
<resource name="blah1" type="dialog">
<dialog blah blah>
<resource name="blah2" type="dialog">
<dialog blah blah>
<resource type="strings">
<strings lang="blah">
<string id="blah" text="Blah!" />
Everything before the line ==SCRIPT RESOURCES is considered part of the script code, and everything after it is the XML-formatted resources.