Picture Properties
The Picture Properties metadata fields apply to image files
in formats that support EXIF tags - JPEG,
PNG, TIFF and Photoshop (PSD)
images are currently supported.
- Aperture: The aperture setting (expressed as an F-number)
when the image was taken.
- Camera make: The make (manufacturer) of the camera.
- Camera model: The model of the camera that took the
- Contrast: The contrast setting when the image was taken.
- Creation software: A string identifying the software used
to create or edit the image.
- Date digitized: The date the image was digitized. If the
image was originally not in digital form (e.g. a slide you have scanned in)
this would be the date it was scanned. You can specify a date and time using
the controls, and you can also use the Select operation
drop-down to perform one of several operations on the date
- Copy from date created: This will set the value of the
Date digitized field to the creation date of the file.
- Copy from date modified: This will set the value of the
Date digitized field to the last modified date of the file.
- Copy from date taken: This will set the value of the
Date digitized field to the value of the Date taken field
(if any).
The Select operation field also lets
you enter a time
shift string that will perform relative adjustments to the current
value of the date fields.
- Date taken: The date the image was taken. For digital
camera images this is usually the same as Date digitized. You
can specify a date and time using the controls, or use the Select
operation field as described for the Data digitized
- Digital zoom: The digital zoom ratio used to record the
image (if any). You can express this as a decimal value or a fraction, and can
also select Off from the drop-down to specify that no digital
zoom was used.
- Exposure bias: The camera's exposure bias setting when
the image was recorded, specified in stops.
- Exposure program: The exposure program used to record the
image (aperture priority, shutter priority, etc).
- Exposure time: The exposure time used to record the
image, specified in seconds or fractions of a second. You can specify a
whole number, a fraction (e.g. 1/5) or a decimal (e.g. 1.8).
- F-number: The aperture setting (expressed as an F-number)
when the image was taken.
- Flash: Specifies whether the flash fired when the image
was taken, and what special mode (red-eye reduction, etc.) was used if so.
- Focal length: The actual focal length of the lens,
expressed in millimetres.
- Focal length (35mm): The focal length of the lens as a
35mm equivalent value (e.g. a digital camera with a lens focal length of 6mm
may be equivalent to a 28mm focal length lens on a 35mm film camera).
- GPS Altitude: The altitude relative to mean sea level
where the picture was taken, measured in metres. Specify a negative value if
the image was taken below mean sea level.
- GPS Latitude: The latitude where the picture was taken,
specified in degrees, minutes and seconds, in either the northern or southern
- GPS Longitude: The longitude where the picture was taken,
specified in degrees, minutes and seconds, and either east or west of the
prime meridian.
- ISO speed: The (equivalent) film speed when the image was
taken, expressed using the ISO scale.
- Metering mode: The exposure metering mode used when the
image was taken (average, spot, multi-spot, etc).
- Rotation: The rotation information stored in the image,
usually set by the camera's orientation sensor. This reflects the orientation
of the camera when the image was recorded. Select from 0, 90, 180 and 270
- Saturation: The saturation of the image (normal, high or
- Scene capture type: The type of scene capture program
used by the camera (standard, night, portrait, etc).
- Sharpness: The sharpness of the image (normal, hard or
- Shutter speed: The speed of the shutter when the image
was taken, expressed in seconds or fractions of a second. You can enter the
time as a whole number, a fraction (e.g. 1/5) or a decimal (e.g. 1.8).
- Subject distance: The distance from the focal point to
the subject, expressed in metres or fractions of a metre. You can enter the
distance as a whole number, a fraction or a decimal. For example, 0.2 would
correspond to 20 centimetres.
- White balance: The camera's white balance setting when
the image was taken.