Tab Groups

Tab Groups are sets of predefined tabs (folders) that can be opened in one operation. For example, you might have a set of work folders for a particular project that you always need quick access to. You could define a tab group that opens all the folders in folder tabs, and then when you're ready to work on that project, you only need to select the group in order to open all those folders at once.

Tab Groups.png 

Use the toolbar buttons to configure tab groups. The buttons are Favorites - Add.png (add a group), Favorites - Folder.png (add a folder - useful for categorizing large numbers of groups), Filters - Duplicate.png (duplicate an existing group), Filters - Rename.png (rename a group), Favorties - Edit.png (edit a group), Favorites - Delete.png (delete a group) and Layouts Mark Hidden.png (mark as hidden, to stop it appearing in tab group lists outside of this Preferences page). If you click on a tab group in the list at the top, the tabs defined in that group will be previewed at the bottom of the window.


To organize tab groups into folders, use the Favorites - Folder.png button to create a folder. You can then create tab groups in that folder, or use drag-and-drop to move existing groups into that folder.


To edit a tab group, select it and click the Favorties - Edit.png button, or double-click it. The Edit Tab Group dialog will be displayed.


Edit Tab Group.png 

The Name field lets you modify the tab group name, and the Description field lets you assign your own description to the group.

Each entry in the Tabs list represents a tab, or more specifically, a folder that will be opened in a tab. Use the toolbar buttons above the list to configure the tabs:  Favorites - Folder.png (add a folder tab), Tabs - Edit.png (edit an existing folder tab), Favorties - Edit.png (edit the folder format for the tab), Favorites - Delete.png (delete a tab), Favorites - Up.png (move a tab up the list), Favorites - Down.png (move a tab down the list), Tabs - Make Default.png (set initial tab), Tabs - Lock.png (set tab as locked), Tab Chains.png (set tab as linked) and Tab Change Sides.png (change sides).


When the Define tabs on specific sides of a dual-display Lister option is turned on, the tab group can define tabs that open in the left file display separately from those that open in the right. Selecting such a group will automatically put the Lister into dual-display mode if needed. When specific sides is enabled, the Tab Change Sides.png button switches the selected tab from one side to the other.


Folder Tabs can optionally be set to one of several different locked states. A padlock symbol will be displayed to the left of the tab to indicate it is locked. Use the Tabs - Lock.png drop-down on the toolbar to set the lock mode for a tab. The different lock modes are:


When the Define tabs on specific sides option is on, a tab on one side of the Lister can be linked to a tab on the other side. Linked tabs are indicated, as in the above screenshot, with an icon (Linked Tab.png). The Tab Chains.png drop-down on the toolbar is used to link and unlink tabs. When two tabs are linked, selecting one in the Lister to make it active automatically activates the linked tab too. You can also link tabs in Navigation Lock mode, using the Navigation Lock option in the drop-down. When tabs are linked in Navigation Lock mode, the destination tab will automatically follow the source tab whenever the folder changes. (See the Tabs page for more information.)


If the Close existing folder tabs when opening this group option is enabled, then when the tab group is opened in a file display, all existing tabs will be closed. If this option is off then the tabs defined by the group will be added to any existing tabs.