The Select internal command is used to:
Command Arguments:
Argument |
Type |
Possible values |
Description |
(no arguments) |
- |
- |
Displays the Select dialog (in either simple or advanced modes,
depending on which was last
used). |
/O |
(no value) |
Displays the Select dialog in advanced
mode. |
<filter name> |
Displays the Select dialog in advanced mode, with the
specified saved filter already loaded. Example: Select ADVANCED=MyFilter |
/S |
(no value) |
Select all files and folders in the current source file
display. |
/S |
(no value) |
Select all folders in the current source file
display. |
/S |
(no value) |
Select all files in the current source file
display. |
/K |
<date> |
Select files whose last modification timestamps match the specified date. You can specify:
Note that specifying both a date and time requires quotes around the value, because of the space character separating the two. You can also use > (greater than) before the date
to match all files newer than the specified date, or <
(less than) before the date to match all files older than the specified
date. |
<date1>..<date2> |
Select files whose last modification timestamps falls between the two
specified dates. Both dates are supplied in the format described
above. |
oldest |
Select the oldest item in the current source file display. You can
combine this with the PATTERN argument to select the
oldest of a specific type of file. |
newest |
Select the newest item in the current file
display. |
created |
Normally this command considers the last modification timestamp of each
file, however by specifying this keyword you can make it look at the
creation time instead. |
both |
Considers both created and last modification
timestamps. |
next |
Modifies the behavior of the newest and
oldest arguments. Normally, Select
DATE=newest would select the newest file in the list. If it were
already selected, nothing would change. If you add the
next keyword, Opus will progressively select the next
newest file each time the command is run. |
/S |
(no value) |
Instead of selecting files, the command will deselect them. This is
used in conjunction with the PATTERN,
ALLFILES arguments. |
/S |
(no value) |
Files that don't match the pattern will be deselected (normally files
that don't match are left alone). This also works when using the
FILTER argument to select files with a predefined
filter. |
/S |
(no value) |
used with the TYPE argument to
restrict a selection to either files or folders (or with the ALLFILES and ALLDIRS arguments), DESELECTOTHERTYPE causes all
items of the other type to be deselected Example: Select * TYPE=files DESELECTOTHERTYPE |
/O |
(no value) |
Selects all files and folders in the source file display that are
currently selected in the destination. The comparison is only done on the
filename - the files are not actually
compared. |
in |
Selects all files and folders in the source file display that exist in
the destination. Example: Select DESTTOSOURCE=in |
noext |
Does not consider file extensions when comparing selected files in the
source and destination. For example, if IMGP1234.JPG was
selected in the destination, and IMGP1234.WAV existed in
the source, it would be
selected. |
notin |
Selects all files and folders in the source file display that don't
exist in the destination. Example: Select DESTTOSOURCE=notin |
/S |
(no value) |
Indicates that the PATTERN argument is a literal file name and not a
wildcard or regular expression. This allows you to specify an exact
filename without having to escape wildcard characters like '(' and
')'. |
/S |
(no value) |
Performs file selection using a pre-defined filter. The name of the filter must be given as the value of the PATTERN argument. Filters must have previously been configured through the File Operations / Filters page in Preferences.
You can use this with the TYPE argument to restrict
the filter to either files or folders
only. |
/K |
select |
Select files that match the filter (this argument is used in
conjunction with the FILTER argument). This is the
default behaviour. |
deselect |
Deselect files that match the
filter. |
hide |
Hide files that match the
filter. |
hidenomatch |
Hide files that don't match the
filter. |
/S |
(no value) |
Select the first item in the source file display, deselect all other
items. |
/S |
(no value) |
Convert the state of checked items to selections (checked items will be
selected, non-checked items will be deselected). This only applies in checkbox
mode. |
/S |
(no value) |
This command should be used when running a Select command from a
script (e.g. via Command.RunCommand). It tells the
command to select the files in the Command object
itself. |
/O |
(no value) |
When the file display is grouped, this lets you select files
based on the group they are in. When GROUPNAME is used
without an associated value, the value of the PATTERN
argument is used as the name of the group to match. The example below selects all files in groups beginning with
X. Example: Select X* GROUPNAME |
<group name> |
When a value is provided for the GROUPNAME argument it
specifies the name (or wildcard pattern) of the file group. The selection
operation will be confined to files and folders in matching
groups. You can also use this in conjunction with the SETFOCUS
argument to give input focus to a group header. Example: Select *.jpg GROUPNAME
Today |
/O |
(no value) |
Hide all selected items (both files and folders). This is used either
with the PATTERN argument to hide all files that match
the pattern, or with the NOPATTERN argument to hide all
currently selected files. |
dirs |
Hide all selected directories.
files |
Hide all selected files. |
/S |
(no value) |
When used with the synchronize tool, this hides any items from the
list that are not marked to be synchronized (either copied or
deleted). |
/O |
(no value) |
Hide all unselected items (both files and folders). This is used either
with the PATTERN argument (files that don't match the
pattern will be hidden), or with the NOPATTERN argument
(all currently unselected files will be
hidden). |
dirs |
Hide all unselected directories.
files |
Hide all unselected files.
/S |
(no value) |
The command will act as if the file display is not in checkbox mode, even if it
is. Normally, the Select command will check and uncheck files while in
checkbox mode, but this argument allows you to modify the normal file
selection and leave the checkboxes alone. In particular, it allows scripts
to set the normal selection and focus item to a particular file without
modifying the checkbox
states. |
/S |
(no value) |
Inverts the selection state of all items in the source file
display. |
/S |
(no value) |
Selects the last item in the source file display, deselect all other
items. |
/O |
(no value) |
Ensures that the first selected item is visible in the file display.
The list will be scrolled if needed. Similar to the
SETFOCUS argument except the viewer pane will not update
to show the new selection. |
immediate |
Prevents the short delay that normally occurs before the selected file
is scrolled into view. Example: Select NEXT MAKEVISIBLE=immediate |
/O |
(no value) |
Selects the next item in the file display. The first item immediately
following the first currently selected item will be selected, and all
other items deselected. |
mark |
Toggles the selection state of the currently focused item, and moves
the input focus to the next item in the list. This is the equivalent of
pressing the Insert key in the file
display. |
nodeselect |
Prevents any currently selected items from being
deselected. Example: Select NEXT=nodeselect |
row |
In the icon display modes (e.g. Thumbnails mode) this will move the
selection down one row (vertically instead of horizontally). Ignored in
Details and Power modes. Example: Select NEXT=row,mark |
/S |
(no value) |
Deselects all items in the source file
display. |
/S |
(no value) |
The Select command normally requires a value for the
PATTERN argument to operate, but in some cases you may
need it to operate without supplying a pattern. For example, the
HIDESEL and HIDEUNSEL arguments can be
used to hide all currently selected or unselected items without applying a
new wildcard selection first. |
<pattern> |
Specify a wildcard pattern. All items matching the supplied
pattern will be selected (or deselected, hidden, etc. based on the other
arguments for this command). The pattern can be specified using standard pattern
matching syntax, or regular expressions if the
REGEXP argument is supplied. The PATTERN
argument is also used to provide the name of a pre-defined filter in
conjunction with the FILTER argument. |
/O |
(no value) |
Select the previous item in the file display. The first item
immediately preceding the last currently selected item will be selected,
and all other items
deselected. |
mark |
Toggles the selection state of the currently focused item, and moves
the input focus to the previous item in the list. Similar to pressing the
Insert key, except the focus moves to the previous rather
than the next item. |
nodeselect |
Prevents any currently selected items from being
deselected. Example: Select PREV=nodeselect |
row |
In the icon display modes (e.g. Thumbnails mode) this will move the
selection up one row (vertically instead of horizontally). Ignored in
Details and Power modes. Example: Select PREV=row,mark |
/K |
<range> |
Selects a range of items based on their index (their position in the
list). This command is equivalent to the range selection mode of
the find-as-you-type field. The
<range> value consists of one or more comma-separated
ranges; each range can be a single number, or two numbers separated by a
hyphen to indicate all numbers within that
range. |
/S |
(no value) |
Use regular
expression mode instead of standard pattern
matching. |
/S |
(no value) |
Reselects all files and folders that were used (and deselected) by the
previously executed command. |
/S |
(no value) |
Ensures that the first selected item is visible in the file display.
The list will be scrolled if needed. Additionally, if the viewer pane is
open the first selected file will be automatically viewed if
possible. |
/S |
(no value) |
If necessary, scrolls the file display to make the currently focused
item visible. The selection will not be
modified. |
/O |
(no value) |
Reveal any files or folders that have previously been hidden by
commands using the HIDESEL or HIDEUNSEL
arguments. The other way to reveal files hidden this way is by re-reading
the folder (e.g. press
F5). |
dirs |
Reveals all hidden directories.
files |
Reveals all hidden files. |
/S |
(no value) |
When used with the synchronize tool, this reveals any items that
have previously been hidden because they were not marked to be
synchronized (either copied or
deleted). |
/O |
(no value) |
Selects all files with the same file extensions as the currently
selected files. For example, if a single .jpg and a
single .gif file are currently selected, this command
would select all .jpg and
.gif files in the source file
display. |
trueext |
Causes the command to ignore multi-part extensions. E.g.
file.part1.rar, file.part2.rar and
file.part3.rar would all be considered to be
.rar files rather than having different
extensions. Example: Select SIMILAR=trueext |
/S |
(no value) |
Selects all files with the same base-names as the currently selected
files. For example, if cat.jpg and
dog.gif are currently selected, this command would select
all cat.* and dog.* files in
the source file display. |
/S |
(no value) |
Displays the Select dialog in simple
mode. |
/K |
<size> |
Select files whose size matches the specified size. By default the size specified is treated as bytes, but you can use the following suffixes to use different units:
You can also use > (greater than) before the size
to match all files larger than the specified size, or
< (less than) before the size to match all files
smaller than the specified
size. |
<size1>..<size2> |
Select files whose size falls between the two specified sizes. Both
sizes are supplied in the format described above. |
largest |
Select the largest item in the current source file display. You can
combine this with the PATTERN argument to select the
largest of a specific type of file. |
smallest |
Select the smallest item in the current file
display. |
/O |
(no value) |
Selects all files and folders in the destination file display that
are currently selected in the source. The comparison is only done on the
filename - the files are not actually
compared. |
in |
Selects all files and folders in the destination file display that
exist in the source. Example: Select SOURCETODEST=in |
noext |
Does not consider file extensions when comparing selected files in the
source and destination. For example, if IMGP1234.JPG was
selected in the source, and IMGP1234.WAV existed in the
destination, it would be
selected. |
notin |
Selects all files and folders in the destination file display that
don't exist in the source. Example: Select SOURCETODEST=notin |
/S |
(no value) |
Selects the current focus entry. It is possible for the entry with
input focus to not be selected (for example, if you move the focus
highlight with Control + Cursor-Down) and this command
will select whichever entry is currently
focused. |
/S |
(no value) |
Convert item selection states to check states. Selected items will be
checked, and unselected items will be unchecked. If the file display is
not currently in checkbox
mode it will be turned on
automatically. |
/K |
files |
Force the selection to only affect files - even if folders match the
pattern they will be unaffected. You can add the DESELECTOTHERTYPE argument to deselect
all items of the "other"
type. |
dirs |
Force the selection to only affect
folders. |