The Keys page lets you view and configure "keyboard shortcuts" or "hotkeys" (combinations of keys) that can be used to run commands or launch programs. Opus lets you assign one or more keys to a toolbar button or menu command, and pressing the key has the same effect as clicking the button. You can also create "hotkey-only" functions, which only exist as key assignments and aren't linked to a toolbar.
You can quickly get to this page of the Customize dialog via Help > Keyboard Map in the default menus. You'll see a list of all the defined hotkeys, grouped into the following categories:
The checkboxes next to each key in the list let you temporarily disable a
hotkey without having to delete it.
Use the toolbar at the top of the page to manipulate the hotkeys. The buttons
are (create new hotkey),
(duplicate an existing key),
(edit the selected key) and
(delete the selected
The (Locate toolbar) button is active
whenever a hotkey in a Toolbars category is selected - clicking
it will highlight the toolbar button that the hotkey comes from (it will also
open any sub-menus needed to make the button visible).
You can only delete items in the Hotkeys category through this page - toolbar buttons can only be deleted from the toolbar itself. Favorites-type keys can't actually be edited from this page at all - they are shown in the list as a convenience, but you have to use the Favorites page in Preferences to edit them.
Clicking the button to create a new hotkey displays
the standard Command Editor with the addition of
the System-wide Hotkey option, which you can turn on to make
the new hotkey global.
Clicking the button will display the standard Command Editor for the selected
key, but if all you want to change is the key itself (and not the function), you
can use the Change Key field at the top of the page. Select the
key you want to change, click in the change key field, press the new key
combination and then use the
button to accept the change.
The Change Key field, as well as the hotkey field in the Command Editor (and the filter field at the bottom of this page) are all special controls designed to make it easy to enter a key combination. See the page on Using the Hotkey Control for more information.
You can also define keys that use the Windows key. Windows itself defines many hotkeys using the Windows key (e.g. Windows+E opens an Explorer window), but Opus lets you override these for global hotkeys. To override one of the standard Windows hotkeys, create a new hotkey, turn on the System-wide Hotkey option, and then use the key field to enter the key combination as you would any other. (Note: How well this works depends on the version of Windows, since hotkeys involving the Windows key may be intercepted by the operating system at a low level. If you are on Windows 10 or above and just want to change what the Windows + E hotkey does, Preferences / Launching Opus / From the Win + E hotkey may be easier and more reliable.)
At the bottom of the page is a filter field that lets you filter the hotkey
list. This filter has two modes. The default mode is to show hotkeys that use a
specified key combination. For example, click in the field, press the A
key and then click the filter button to the right to show all
functions that use the A key in some way. Click the red X
button to clear the filter and re-display all the keys.
Click the keyboard icon () to switch the
filter to the other mode, in which it filters based on the name, function
and description of the hotkey. For example, in this mode typing "rename" would
filter the list to show all hotkeys related to renaming functions.
The Export Keys command in the File menu for this page let you export your hotkeys list in three different formats (use the Save as type drop-down in the save dialog to choose what type to use).
The Import Keys command in the File menu lets you import a previously-exported Importable Hotkey Format file. You will be given the choice of merging the keys in the imported file with your existing ones, or replacing your existing hotkeys completely.