Go Category (Pre-defined commands)
This category contains pre-defined commands to do with navigating (changing
folders) in Listers. Many of these commands are dynamic buttons (buttons that outside of
Customize mode expand to multiple buttons that display various dynamic items)
and field buttons (buttons
that outside of Customize mode expand to fields or other controls).
- Compatibility Files: This button switches to the current
folder's compatibility
folder (if it has one) and back again.
- Disconnect Network Drive: Disconnect a mapped network
- Drive Buttons: A dynamic button that displays a list of
your available disk drives.
- Drive List: A drop-down list of your available disk
- Favorites Add: Add the current folder to your Favorites list.
- Favorites Add (Dialog): Displays a display to add the
current folder to Favorites.
- Favorites Edit: Edit the Favorites list (opens
Preferences dialog to the appropriate page).
- Favorites List: A dynamic button that displays a list of
your favorite folders.
- Favorites Menu: A drop-down menu that displays a list of
your favorite folders.
- Favorites Menu (Dual Display): Same as Favorites
Menu except folders selected from this list will be opened in the
- Favorites Smart: A dynamic button that displays a list of
your SmartFavorites.
- Favorites Smart Menu: A drop-down menu that displays your
- FTP Address Book: A dynamic button that displays a list
of the sites in your FTP
Address Book.
- FTP Address Menu: A drop-down menu that displays your FTP
- FTP Quick Connect: Displays the FTP Quick Connect dialog to connect to an FTP
- Go Back: Go back to the previous folder.
- Go Back (Drop-down List): Go back to the previous folder,
with an attached drop-down list of all previous folders.
- Go Forward: Go forward to the next folder.
- Go Forward (Drop-down List): Go forward, with an attached
drop-down list of all subsequent folders.
- Go To Computer: Go to the Computer folder.
- Go To Documents Folder: Go to your personal documents
- Go To File Collections: Go to the root File Collections
- Go To Libraries: Go to the root Libraries
- Go To Network: Go to the system Network folder.
- Go To Root: Go to the root of the current drive.
- Go To The Desktop: Go to the Desktop.
- Go To The Recycle Bin: Go to the system Recycle
Bin folder.
- Go To The Start Menu: Go to the folder containing your
start menu program links.
- Go To The Startup Folder: Go to the folder containing
your startup programs (the Startup group within the Start
- Go Up: Go up to the parent folder.
- Map Network Drive: Map a network location to a drive
- Navigation Lock: Turn Navigation Lock on or off in the current
- Path Field: A field button that displays a very basic
field for editing the current location.
- Path Field (Breadcrumbs): A field button that displays a
breadcrumbs field
for the current location.
- Path Field (Favorites List): A field button that displays
a location field with a drop-down list of your Favorite folders attached.
- Path Field (Folder Tree): A field button that displays a
location field with a drop-down folder tree attached.
- Path Field (Recent List): A field button that displays a
location field with a drop-down list of your recent folders.
- Recent List: A dynamic button that displays a list of
your recent folders.
- Recent List Clear: Clear the recent folder list.
- Recent Menu: A drop-down menu that displays a list of
your recent folders.
- Swap Source/Destination: Swap the current source and
destination file displays.