Colors and Fonts

This page lets you configure the colors and fonts that are used throughout much of the program. The list of items that can be configured is divided into three categories:


Some notes relating to the above:

  1. You can specify colors for files and folders on a per file-type basis or for specific files and folders, using the Labels system - this will override colors specified on this page.
  2. The Folder Tree will use the colors set in the File and Folder Colors section by default, but you can set it to ignore these color settings by turning off the Use configured file display colors for tree items option, in which case the colors in Other Colors / Folder tree will be used.
  3. On Vista and above, the file displays and folder trees use the Windows Theme by default to display item highlights by default. This normally overrides configured background colors for selected files and folders (text color, and non-selected background colors can still be changed). You can change this using the Use visual styles to draw items and Visual styles override file selection colors settings in Display Options.
  4. On Vista and Windows 7 (but not later versions) the status bar will be set to use "glass" mode by default, which overrides the background color setting - turn off the Show glass status bar option if you prefer a more traditional status bar.
  5. The viewer pane background color is only used when the Viewer pane is empty. When the viewer is displaying a picture, and the picture doesn't fill the display completely, or has transparent areas, a separate color is used to fill the background. This is configured on the Viewer Pane page.